As I sit here on the sofa watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (don't judge me) and feeling slightly chilled from the air conditioning blowing gently in my general direction, I am reminded how different my life will look in just 10 days. This is the worst part...waiting! I have packed and unpacked just for fun, trying to master new techniques. I have everything ready to go. I keep saying goodbyes, and I'm ready to get gone already. I can't wait to laugh with Sylivia, cook with Shelly, sit with Abdul, love on all the kids I've been missing for months, and eat the best pineapple on the planet. But I know that just as I am craving all things Uganda, it won't take too many months of being in Uganda before I'll begin to crave things from here...fast Internet, my own transportation whenever I want it, Netflix, evening walks with Erin, hugs from my mom, and cheese. So, for now I'm drinking it all in...watching television, sleeping late, hugging my friends longer and tighter than usual, and eating entire blocks of cheese.
They don't have cheese?
eat that cheese! i should have done that... instead i ate as much sushi as i could find. but i guess cheese and sushi don't really go together very well... see you soon.
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